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Dirt 3 F@#K YEH!

I havnt posted much in a while so here my 2c worth.

Codemaster has revealed what seems to be some pretty fun multiplayer modes for the upcoming Dirt 3.
A new ‘Party Mode’ will contain three multiplayer scenarios; Invasion, Transporter and Outbreak.
In Invasion you will be fighting off a robot invasion, or cardboard cutouts of robots that you must run through whilst avoiding the cut-outs of city buildings.
Transporter is essentially capture-the-flag but with a twist; flags are placed at random locations, ensuing a scramble to their location.
Outbreak sounds a little outrageous; an “infected” car chases after other cars to infect, with the last remaining car declared the winner. – Capture the Flag – Outbreak

looks f@#king sick, i can see some epic IPX battles!


Sha8doW's picture


Those modes sound more like fox and hounds from carmageddon don’t you think fuzz?

Fuzz's picture


F**k yeah. It sure does. Fox and hounds was awesome in Carmageddon. I’m so buying this game, just for that!

edit: just checked. Turns out I preorded it already. Nice!


I was really worried that it would be mostly about rally.


i was thinkin they would get rid of rally cross and fuck it up, but if this is online and not lan i can see some epic fun to come! get us back into the dirt fever. they should set up a Dirt 3 CTF ladder or we could do our own, perhaps two teams of 4
depending on how the game mechanics work

Microman's picture


Should be fun also :-)

I’m not going to pre-order (I got Brink instead), but I am certainly looking forward to the game!

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